
Andrew merged FloatVer into his list of versioning schemes
Tensorflow merged my contribution
Started a new project (writing an interpreter for a K-like language)
PhD complete! 🎉
PyTorch merged my contribution
Add RSS feed by request (Hi Joseph!)
Won Best Presentation award at IntelliSys2023
Talked about array languages with Richard Feldman on the Software Unscripted podcast


I use deep learning to expose hidden secrets of obfuscated binary programs. Sometimes this means secret malware, so better detection means better protection against attackers. Other times, obfuscation is your competitor hiding stolen code or buggy versions you thought you patched ages ago. The faster we can find vulnerabilities in low-level binary code, the more trustworthy hardware and software supply chains become, which in turn means more secure and reliable software for millions of users.



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About Me

Hi! This website contains my personal blog, CV/résumé, and selected public projects. Some of my favorite things to do include hiking with my family, cycling in nature, woodworking with hand tools, going on road trips, and solving puzzles. Currently I work as a systems engineer at Indiana University, where I build tools for embedded systems security, manage autograding SaaS, and maintain high performance clusters. I enjoy learning about programming languages, especially array-oriented ones like K and Uiua. My favorite music comes from Meshuggah, Memorist, Mestís, and some groups that do not start with M such as Persefone.

Email: contact@<this page's url>.